Po tym jak dorwałam się do moich kaboszonów, wyszło mi coś takiego. Jeszcze nie wiem co to będzie, ale na pewno coś oszałamiającego! Strasznie mi się spodobało to całe beadingowanie. W tej chwili zdecydowanie wygrywa z sutaszem. Pewnie niedługo zacznę łączyć obie techniki, ale póki co jestem po uszy zakochana w hafcie koralikowym :) Ps. Dlaczego doba ma tylko 24h?? To zdecydowanie za mało!
// When I got into the navy blue cabochons I ended up with such a thing. I don't know what it's gonna be yet, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna look great anyway. I started to like beading very much. I'm thinking about mixing the 2 techniques: beading and soutache. Right now I'm completely in love with the beading :) Ps. Why there is only 24h in a day? It's definitely not enough!
// When I got into the navy blue cabochons I ended up with such a thing. I don't know what it's gonna be yet, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna look great anyway. I started to like beading very much. I'm thinking about mixing the 2 techniques: beading and soutache. Right now I'm completely in love with the beading :) Ps. Why there is only 24h in a day? It's definitely not enough!
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